
Mina Irfan (Universe Guru) – Sacred FEMININE Spiritual Awakening Intensive
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Author: Mina Irfan
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Sacred FEMININE Spiritual Awakening Intensive
Deeply Healing & Potent Spiritual Awakening Vortex. A Powerful Marriage Between Science, Spirituality, Inner Work, and Modern Femininity. Welcome to Your Feminine Enlightenment.
12 Activating, Advanced Level Spiritual Awakening Sessions
Digital Content Available for Immediately Viewing PLUS Access to a High End, High Vibe, Exclusive Spiritual Sacred Space on Facebook. Your Soul Sisters and Spiritual Guide, Mina Irfan, are Lovingly Awaiting to Hold Space for Your Ascension. Here is just a TEENY Peek-a-Boo at the Comprehensive Crystal Clear Course Offerings. This is the Most Potent Spiritual Offerings Available on this Planetary Realm!
How to Cleanse your Emotions to Unlock your Heart’s Natural Radiance and Divine Nature
Spiritual Rituals and Practices to Activate Your Body and get in Touch with your Natural Feminine Intuition
Learn to Overcome Years of Subconscious Programming and Build Healthy New Habits and Ways of Being
Decode Your Energetic Centers and Activate Your Full Feminine Life Force
Fiercely Activate your Sensual Feminine Voice and Tone Embodiment
Learn the 3 Foundations of Femininity and Unlock and Integrate the Missing Parts
Unlock Your Shadow and Integrate them into Your Light Body
What Your Divine Sisters are saying about this Potent Work
Hundred of Students Credit This Program For Activating Their Sacred Soul Ascension!
Divine Testimonial
“I wanted to thank you for all you have taught us. The content was absolutely amazing. I could not even imagine of evolving so fast and go so much within myself when I started this program. I have been through some ups and downs but at the end it made me a better person and it made me evolve as a human feminine being. I thought I already knew what femininity was but the Sacred Feminine made me dive in deeper into my feminine essence and the person that was already within me but was lost for a while. So thank you so much for your guidance. You are such a loving person and you guide us with softness, strength and honesty when we need it the most.”- Love, Lara
Divine Testimonial
“I must say that this course is the most powerful course I have ever seen, it’s beyond imagination. I am completely a different person in the period of three months. I often say that this course saved my life, I do regret every moment of my life that I didn’t have this information. Looking back at my life I honestly wonder how did I live my life. Life is much easier, brighter, prettier. It’s much much peaceful. Love and peace are the two things I have being deeply craving my entire life and I found them here. When I decided to change my life, and want to sign up for this course I didn’t have a penny. But I made it happen anyway believing that this is what I need to get to where I want to be. I have never regret it , and if it was a million or two or a mountain of money I see myself happily paying for it over and over again . Why? Because it’s worth is beyond all that. I am living the life of my dreams, what else could I ask for? It So worth it ” -Khadra from Seattle
Divine Testimonial
“Hi ladies & Mina, I’ve been taking this intensive quietly as it is my third time through. I have gotten so much out of it this third time and wanted to give my thanks to Mina for putting together this powerful program!! 💖💖 After three times through this program and making a big commitment to this inner journey, I can honestly say every area of my life is transformed. I no longer judge and criticize others, a habit I had been trying to break for years. I’m more in touch with my desires and have a higher sense of self-worth. I have lost weight and now have a juicy delicious relationship with my body. My marriage is more open hearted and romantic than it has ever been. My family and friend relationships have never been more meaningful and fun. Abundance is flowing into my life in the most beautiful ways. I have more energy and playfulness than in my twenties and I wake up every day feeling grateful to be me!” -Hannah S.
Release Emotional Addictions, Awaken Your Consciousness, Activate Your Femininity, & Start Your Spiritual Ascension Process
I am ready to Release Childhood Wounds, Transcend Fear Based Programming, Unleash My Intuition, and Activate My Full Divine Soul Blueprint
And More Ascension Stories….
Your Soul Sisters Can’t Stop Raving About this Life Transformative Experience
Sacred Testimonial
“The Sacred Feminine course has been such a blessing to me. It has taken me to new levels and deep within to a place I have never accessed before. I am learning a whole new way of being, I am finding back to my truth & my authentic self. As I listen deeply within me, I am learning to trust & be guided by my divine inner being. I love the books Mina is assigning as well as part of this course and they are a perfect complement to all of the lessons. With love I highly recommend this course as it will help you grow & expand and you will find the answers to all of the questions you have been searching for all this time. I am so grateful to Mina & her work and it came into my life at exactly the right moment. Wishing you love, joy & compassion today and everyday” -Kari Anne
Sacred Testimonial
“Yes, this is definitely a mother-to-daughter passing down of wisdom which I longed to have, and am glad that I’ve found it here in Sacred Feminine Intensive. I was feeling lost, misunderstood my own role and my shadows…ah, what a relief I feel to land right on what exactly need to be done. Thank you so much for taking us right to the core through an efficient path! All I have left is love and gratitude, Mina!” – S.V
Sacred Testimonial
Sacred Feminine exceeded my expectations. Each lesson Mina posted was a lot of aha moments and I felt like I had to listen to it again to gain all the wisdom and to work through it. Mina is a great teacher. She planned the course out really well. I am very happy and grateful to be a part of this great course! No exaggeration! Mina is the best teacher and I am very happy to learn all that she had to teach. I feel like I have changed and I have all the tools to make great decisions, dealing with each emotion as it comes, embody the sacred feminine. This course won’t disappoint you for sure. -Ruby
More Sacred Soul Activations!
Activation Story
“Mina has a gift for breaking down complex ideas into bite-sized pieces that allow us to transform our lives. She teaches us how to release emotional charges and specific meditations that can be used every day to find peace and to soften into our femininity. I plan to revisit the whole course over and over again because I know there are so many beautiful lessons to learn as I go deeper into this journey. I have much more peace and have released emotionally charged situations. There is so much freedom that can be yours and this course will give you practical tools to find it. I have learned areas that I want to work on as a woman, within myself, with my children, and within my romantic relationships as well. She is tremendously supportive and answers all the questions we ever pose. I have taken a lot of different courses with different teachers and this one is by far the most life transforming. And I feel I have gleaned just a tiny bit of what is actually offered within it. I can’t wait to see the growth that occurs as I move through the course again and again. Transformation isn’t an overnight experience. It takes time. And this course and the many tools taught are an excellent catalyst in mine. I hope this helps.” -M.S
Activation Story
“Hi Mina, just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the programs you offer. I love the Activation program and the Sacred, now the Sacred is where I finally understood the reason of why we are here, what is our purposed and the purposed of life. From my point of view, we are here to love, we are here to express the love that God has for us, a continuation of his love. I understand now that I am not part of this world and that I am a spiritual being living in a mortal body. By knowing this, now I feel more compassion towards me and others. We are messengers of love and we don’t have to say it or convince anyone but just by our actions people can feel it, it all ends that we are beings of emotions. I also learn that meditation is the way to communicate with God and is something that we need to do every day of our lives. Your teachings changed my life and help understand that God is the only answer and that I don’t have to struggle because he knows better and everything that comes from him is effortless and that I must wait for his timing and he will decide what is better for me, only he knows what is better for me so the wait is a beautiful journey because I trust in him. I am working on trying to live everyday like is my last day and that keeps me away from too much thinking…lol. Material things are nothing compared to the abundance God has for us. God bless you, your work and your family.” With love, Monica
Activation Story
“Hi ladies! One year ago today I bought my first programs : lifetime access to babes club ( I had the monthly access before that), relationship rehab, the healthy eating program , high value worthy woman toolkit, and the sacred feminine intensive. I’m not one to spend money on anyone’s programs but for some reason I knew it would change my life. In fact, I didn’t even have enough money in my account for the sacred intensive and ended up asking my husband for some money for it. I made it happen and I’m literally a new person and my life is completely different and I’ve manifested soooo many crazy amazing things in my life. Last new years, my husband didn’t want to move out from the basement room we were living in, didn’t want kids with me, and wanted to divorce me. I was constantly getting triggered by him and self sabotaging my relationships with him and FAM and friends. This year with the help of Mina and her programs, I’ve healed from some deep child hood wounds, I have a healthy happy baby girl, and my husband truly loves me and lavishes me with his sweet acts of love. I wish I found these programs sooner and if you’re on the fence…don’t be just get a program that calls to you. I’d be happy to help if anyone has questions. I’ve pretty much taken all of them except 2 I think. I know money holds a lot of people back…and the funny thing is with Minas teachings and her emphasis on minamalizing I actually have more money in my account than I had in 5 or so years!! Best of luck to all you beautiful ladies. Sending you Love and Light.” – Row A.
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