
Mariah Coz – The Accelerator Program

$10,000.00 $299.95

Mariah Coz – The Accelerator Program
Original Price: $10000.00
You Just Pay: $299.95 (One Time – 90% OFF)
Author:_Mariah Coz
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87


Mariah Coz – The Accelerator Program
Original Price: $10000.00
You Just Pay: $299.95 (One Time – 90% OFF)
Author:_Mariah Coz
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87


How to Create a Full-Time Income with Online Courses
Exclusive Advanced Workshop with Mariah Coz 👇
Watch the video below to learn our 3-part framework for consistent, sustainably growing, year-round online course sales and get all the details about working with us in the Accelerator program!
Ready to create a full-time income and year-round sales with online courses?
Now is your chance to join the Accelerator, but only until the offer expires:
Pay In Full Bonuses Include:
•Save $2,000 on your tuition
•60 Minute 1:1 Strategy Call with Coaching Team
•*NEW!* 30 Minute 1:1 Strategy Call with Mariah
Accelerator Q&A Session
Got questions about the Accelerator program? I answer the most common questions we get from soon-to-be clients in the video here, or you can just shoot us a message using the chat function in the lower right hand corner of this page!
(Don’t worry – we’ll get your message even if we’re offline and get back to you ASAP!)
“Whew! Finished my most recent launch with 300 sales of my signature course. Thank you Mariah for all your brilliant strategy. The total was around $175k. It does get much easier each and every time!”
“Thank you so much for everything you teach. You are changing so many people’s lives. You helped Clever Programmer turn into a company. We generated $161,000 in 15 days while I was spending time with my beautiful family in California. What started a year ago as a tiny channel with a goal to help people become computer programmers is now a full-fledged startup helping change the lives of millions of people. In under 11 months, we became a multi 6-figure business.”
“This month I reached a milestone. I officially have matched my tenured professor’s salary with my business. I have to take a step back and appreciate everything I’ve been able to do and especially Mariah Coz and her team who took me from my first 1k to (very soon) 6-figures.”
“My evergreen funnel does $60k/month without ads. And I had a $211k launch! Mariah Coz is the real deal. I’ve literally made hundreds of thousands of dollars on my courses implementing her ideas!”
The Accelerator is like no other program you’ve experienced before.
We provide fill-in-the-blank templates for launch emails, webinar slides, sales pages, evergreen webinar funnels — it’s all in here. The tools, templates, and strategies in this program will save you hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars in wasted time and money.
We combine the step-by-step training and plug-and-play templates with an insane level of support through multiple weekly coaching calls, personal feedback on your work, and even 1:1 calls when you reach certain milestones. You will be surrounded by 6-7 course creators in our exclusive community, which just helps you level up that much faster.
The result is that you have everything you need to create a consistently profitable online course business that allows you to serve your students and teach what you love.
Your life before the The Accelerator:
Your life after The Accelerator:
Daydreaming about the freedom and lifestyle that comes with an online course business but never taking action
Trying to ‘Frankenstein’ together random strategies, hoping something sticks but nothing seems to move the needle
Doing things out of order, meaning you are actually creating more work for yourself and losing out on sales
Launching with no strategy – you’re winging it and your results reflect that
You have no consistent course sales in between launches, you are living launch to launch, stuck in the feast and famine cycle
Your audience size is stagnant, meaning your income is too
You know exactly what to do next to grow your online course sales
You make big bursts of revenue during launches, but you also have consistent, reliable revenue coming in every single month through your automated evergreen funnels
You feel like a total boss in your business – things are happening, you feel momentum and you see steady growth month to month
You’ve become known in your industry for your signature course, and you’re starting to be asked to be on podcasts and speak on stages as the expert in your topic!
You are living your life designed for YOU – you have one or two launches a year, then you can chill for a bit knowing your revenue is stable because you built the evergreen systems the right way, the first time
You prioritize LIFE…your hobbies, your family, your friends get the very best of you and you designed a business that allows you to take good care of your own self too (mentally, spiritually, physically)
What’s included in The Accelerator?
The Accelerator program includes access to all of our premium programs, content, templates and trainings in addition to weekly coaching, personal feedback on your work, and incredible support.
Launch Your Signature Course®
Our best-selling signature course creation and launching program is the most comprehensive guide to creating and selling your own courses – taking you from no experience to launching your own signature, premium, and professional course. First you’ll validate and pre-sell your course, then you’ll create course content and curriculum that gets students results, then you will learn how to launch your course with the most up to date strategies working now. You’ll use these templates, tools and trainings over and over again as you launch future courses and improve your re-launches over time.
Evergreen Engines™
Right after you launch your signature course, it’s time to turn it on evergreen with an automated sales funnel so you can bring in sales every day, year round, on autopilot. I’ll show you how to take the assets you’ve already created (like your emails, sales pages, etc) and build the evergreen funnel systems for consistent course sales, even when you’re not launching.
Webinar Rockstar®
Webinars are the fastest way to grow your email list and your revenue. You’ll learn how to create ‘course sales on demand’ and a cash injection anytime you want by hosting high-value, effective webinars. Master the art and science of joint venture partner webinars to grow your business faster than ever with the power of affiliate webinars.
Plus the support, coaching, and advanced training you won’t get ANYWHERE else!
Weekly Group Q&A Calls with Mariah
Get coaching and get your questions answered by Mariah directly in these weekly exclusive Group Coaching Calls only available to Accelerator clients. Bring your questions or struggles and we will strategize, talk mindset, and overcome any challenges you are experiencing.
Weekly Critique Calls with our Coaches
Get access to weekly Group Critique Calls where you can submit something for 1:1 feedback in a group setting – such as your sales page, webinar, email copy, regisration page, content ideas, funnel pages, etc.! These are insanely valuable and the best way to get personal feedback on your work.
Map Your Model Planning System
This is our signature Annual and Quarterly Planning System for Course Creators. Design your revenue and income streams, plan out your course sales and audience growth, and get major clarity on exactly what you should be working on and when, with our system for choosing only High-ROI activities.
Perfect Product Suite
This advanced training is only available in The Accelerator. Creating a strategic, intentional product suite is the key to scaling your course business. You will design your ideal Product Suite of offers, understand how they connect and interact, and how to leverage different offers for maximum profitability while serving your best students at the highest level. We work closely with our Accelerator clients to make sure their product suite is strategic for their unique business.
Exclusive Upsells Training
Learn how to increase your Lifetime Customer Value and your bottom line with an upsell, so you can make more revenue without more traffic or customers! I walk you through The ‘Perfect’ Upsell Page breakdown, and show you how to implement effective upsells into your launches and funnels.
Giveaway Sales Promo Email Sequence Template
Need a Cash Injection? Learn how to Turn Your Giveaway into a Profitable Promotion with this word for word Email Sequence Template. This template shows you how to turn a giveaway (which grows your audience) into a profitable flash sale for a little boost whenever you desire!
Sales Page Copy Template
The ultimate script and template for writing an amazing sales pages for your courses and funnels. This is 26 pages of copy ideas, scripts, and outlines for everything you need to say on a sales page in an easy to use Google Doc so you can type right into it. This will save you lots of time when writing your sales page!
Mariah Coz Teaching
Early Access to Live Event Tickets
This is your invitation to meet your next-level self and experience the kind of transformation that only comes from being in a high-vibe room with others like you! Over two days together, we’ll show you how to create a profitable, actionable plan for your launches, your funnels, and more. These events are so fun!
*Dates are TBD
The most curated community of course creators on the internet.
The Accelerator community is where the best course creators on the planet hang out. And you’re cordially invited into the club!
You’ll be surrounded by course creators who are earning 6-7 figures so you can learn from them and level up fast. Even if you are just starting from scratch, the fastest way to level up is to surround yourself with success.
Every day, clients are sharing their wins and the behind the scenes of how they achieved those milstones, so you get a behind the curtain look at what others are doing to be successful in your same situation.
You’ll see tons of detailed launch recaps and full funnel breakdowns, so you can see exactly what others are doing, the numbers, conversion rates, the strategies they are using and more.
You’ll be in a curated community of high-caliber, ambitious course creators who have all invested to be there…which means the group is insanely active, generous, inspiring and supportive.


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