Kevon Cheung – Find Joy in Chaos – How to Build Your Twitter Presence (eBook + Workbook)

Kevon Cheung – Find Joy in Chaos – How to Build Your Twitter Presence (eBook + Workbook)
Original Price: $99
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Author: Kevon Cheung
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Kevon Cheung – Find Joy in Chaos – How to Build Your Twitter Presence (eBook + Workbook)
Original Price: $99
You Just Pay: 19.95$(One Time 88% OFF)
Author: Kevon Cheung
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

How to Build Your Twitter Presence so Connections and Opportunities Come Find You
Twitter is the best platform to build your online voice, but it has one problem: it is loud, chaotic, and misleading.
When you focus less on getting the next follower, your following and influence can grow much faster.
Why does Twitter seem so chaotic? How can you best use it?
You are getting on Twitter to build yourself a presence and an audience. What’s the first thing you do? You start by following the most successful influencers. And without you knowing it, you start imitating what they do.
And by focusing on what works for them instead of you:

  • You’re getting pulled into the wrong corner of Twitter
  • You’re not bringing your true self online but pretending to be someone else
  • You’re feeling overwhelmed and discouraged contorting yourself to fit in
  • You’re not enjoying Twitter so you quit thinking it is not for you

But you don’t have to feel this way. Once you understand that success on Twitter actually comes from figuring out your own plan, you’ll be one of the few people who use Twitter to get your wins.
Find Joy in Chaos is not about cutting corners, getting followers quickly, or making lots of fast money from Twitter like many gurus want you to believe.
I’m going to take you on an honest and actionable journey to designing and growing your Twitter presence. Here are some of the things you’ll work on:

  • Grow your presence when you have 0 followers
  • Achieve success even if you don’t have 10,000 followers
  • Unfold who you are using the “PIERS” framework
  • Impress everyone who walks into your world
  • Find like-minded friends using the 5 most effective ways
  • Get heard, likes & replies without tweeting into the void
  • Build long-lasting relationships with 4 simple steps
  • Play Twitter as your long game without the chaos