
Bruce Whipple – Buying A Profitable Revenue Stream & Call 2023

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Bruce Whipple – Buying A Profitable Revenue Stream & Call 2023
Original Price: $1497
You Just Pay: 79.95$(One Time 90% OFF)
Author: Bruce Whipple
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Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87


Bruce Whipple – Buying A Profitable Revenue Stream & Call 2023
Original Price: $1497
You Just Pay: 79.95$(One Time 90% OFF)
Author: Bruce Whipple
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

Frankly, this could be a whole course, but let’s hit the high points
Most people take for granted what they do well and dismiss it assomething everyone does. Then, they take the area where they feel
they’re most lacking, and compare themselves to people for whom
that area is their strongest asset. As a result, they create a wide self-
image chasm. Often, they were told as kids they wouldn’t be a successand it became an imprinted self-fullling prophecy.
Now that we understand what FEAR really is (False Evidence
Appearing Real), let’s look at how we can improve our self-image… and
our mindset.1. Read Release Your Brakes by Jim Newman. Dan suggested thisbook to me in 1993. It is about expanding your comfort zone.
2. Write out your goals as armations. Here’s an example
{ll in what you want to accomplish}. Ifyou write these down and read them rst thing in the morning and
last thing at night, your odds of accomplishing them are good. And
when you look back after you’ve accomplished them, it can’t help
but improve your self image.3. Write down all of the things you are proud of having accomplished.Reading this list when FEAR and doubt creep in will help a lot.
Your mind simply can’t hold two thoughts at the same time. This
exercise will replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.
4. It always helps to think about a problem by saying, “What’s the
worst thing that can happen?” Most of the time, it is not life anddeath. And when you think back at the “impending disasters” in
your life, you’ll almost always see the anticipation was worse than
the event, and usually had a positive contribution for you.
Step 1Your Mind Set
The more I work with entrepreneurs, the more I realize their mindsetcan be the #1 thing holding them back.
By mindset, I mean self-image, FEAR, and self-condence.Frankly, this could be a whole course, but let’s hit the high points.
Most people take for granted what they do well and dismiss it assomething everyone does. Then, they take the area where they feel
they’re most lacking, and compare themselves to people for whom
that area is their strongest asset. As a result, they create a wide self-
image chasm. Often, they were told as kids they wouldn’t be a successand it became an imprinted self-fullling prophecy.
Now that we understand what FEAR really is (False Evidence
Appearing Real), let’s look at how we can improve our self-image… and
our mindset.1. Read Release Your Brakes by Jim Newman. Dan suggested thisbook to me in 1993. It is about expanding your comfort zone.
2. Write out your goals as armations. Here’s an example
{ll in what you want to accomplish}. Ifyou write these down and read them rst thing in the morning and
last thing at night, your odds of accomplishing them are good. And
when you look back after you’ve accomplished them, it can’t help
but improve your self image.3. Write down all of the things you are proud of having accomplished.Reading this list when FEAR and doubt creep in will help a lot.
Your mind simply can’t hold two thoughts at the same time. This
exercise will replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.
4. It always helps to think about a problem by saying, “What’s the
worst thing that can happen?” Most of the time, it is not life anddeath. And when you think back at the “impending disasters” in
your life, you’ll almost always see the anticipation was worse than
the event, and usually had a positive contribution for you.