
Katrina Ruth – High Ticket with SUPER Ease Workshop

$197.00 $39.95

Katrina Ruth – High Ticket with SUPER Ease Workshop
Original Price: $197
You Just Pay: $39.95 (One Time – 88% OFF)
Author: Katrina Ruth
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87


Katrina Ruth - High Ticket with SUPER Ease Workshop

Katrina Ruth – High Ticket with SUPER Ease Workshop
Original Price: $197
You Just Pay: $39.95 (One Time – 88% OFF)
Author: Katrina Ruth
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

Join My High Ticket Sales with Ease Online Workshop, and I’ll Show You How I Consistently and Weekly Do Sales Up to 80k+ Per Sale PURELY Over FB Messenger Chat, in as Little as 1-5 Minutes, and With NO Sales Page or Discovery Call Required … Ever!
(Plus everything that comes BEFORE and in and around that, in order to make it happen, AND exactly what to do and how to do it to bring it to life in YOUR biz!)
Hi gorgeous! I’m SO freaking excited you are on this page, and I am so BEYOND level as fuck excited to bring you this offer!
I’ve been selling high-end offers since 2008, and so I guess purely just ’cause of the time investment I know a thing or two …
But here is why this is the FIRST time I’ve ever done a full training or course on this:
Over the past few years I’ve shifted to where 100% of my high-ticket sales, up to $80,000+, come from a simple FB messenger conversation that takes as little as 1-5 minutes.
Which is cool, and impressive, I think (!), but what is REALLY cool?
100% of my clients are super fun to work with badasses who are SOULMATE clients (same person as me, basically!) who I love to hang out with, who ONLY elevate and expand me and add energy to me, who do the WORK, and who get killer results.
I’m talking results like going from 5-10k / month to over 50k / month … 100k / month … 200k / month … in as little as a YEAR.
It happened because I got the fuck out of my own way, and let my TRUE work and gifts and power as a leader come through, and I committed FULLY to only working with who I am meant to, in the way I am meant to, and to ALWAYS saying what I know I need to say, no matter what people think about it!
It happened because I followed what I knew INSIDE of me … and let my message sell for me.
And also?
It happened because I decided to FUCK OFF THE IDEA that selling had to be hard or even remotely TIME consuming, and I decided to learn how to let it be SO damn easy, where I ONLY do what feels good for me and I receive, continually, with ease!
Now, for the first time ever and in this ONE time live workshop + 7-day intensive, I’m going to teach you how!
Ready for HIGH TICKET SALES WITH EASE?! My Workshop + 7-Day Intensive Includes – !

  • My EXACT Sales Scripts, and How I Came Up With Them
  • Step-by-Step Breakdown and Training on How to Write Your Own High-Ticket Offers and FB Chat Sales Scripts
  • How to NOT Use the Fucking Script as well
  • …How to Know When TO Use the Script Vs When to Just Converse
  • Promoting / Selling Your High-Ticket Offer on FB with No Sales Page and TOTAL Flow … where people just message you and say FUCK yes!
  • What You Need in Place in Order For it to WORK This Way
  • How to BE the Leader Who People Want to Buy From – Exactly How to Show Up Each Day, What to Post, How to Post It
  • Knowing When to Say NO to a Sale!
  • The Mindset of OWNING That You Get to Sell This Way, and Getting Into Confidence and Certainty Around It
  • Creating and Crafting ONLY “Hell Yes No Brainer Offers that Make Them Scream Yes!”
  • How to Have ONLY Badass Soulmate Clients Who Are Super Fun to Work With and Who DO the Work … 100% of the time!
  • What to Do When Someone Says ‘I’ll Think About It’ … or some other thing that is not yes. How to NOT do boring as fuck ‘objection overcoming’, and instead always KNOW what to say to HAVE the sale locked in if it’s meant to be, and to let it go if not
  • How to Read Someone’s Energy From Their Words and KNOW If They Are a Soulmate Client Who Will Also DO THE WORK!
  • How to Filter Applications and Only Get Perfect People!
  • EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Pricing, Packaging, Creating an Offer that IS That Hell Yes!
  • Plus ALL your questions answered in the FB group and on a special extra live Q&A livestream just for this!

Why This Workshop, Why Now, Why You, Why ME?!
Let’s just cut to the chase here – !
100% of my high end clients sign themSELVES up with me, and it’s a chat that takes only a few minutes.


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